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Writer's pictureTreasurer PSCC

Treasurer's Report for 3Q2022

Assets: Combined Checking and Savings Total: $26,584.86 and we have $100 in small bills for fundraiser startup costs and till seed money. Accounts Payable: During the last 3 months, we have paid the annual TRA invoice and have written a check to Allstate Insurance for $2,020.00, but it has not yet been posted. Reimbursements: During the last 3 months, there have been no reimbursements. Lot Dues: There was an error in last month's report; the report stated we had collected $11,940, but the correct number was $11,347.50 As of this report, we have collected: $11,482.50 There remain 4 accounts in arrears for a total of $457.50 Fundraiser: Details on the July 3rd Fundraiser have been provided to the board. Transactions: DateDescriptionDebitsCredits8/8/2022SHECO ACH SAMHOUSTONELEC - JULY-$177.758/2/2022REGULAR DEPOSIT$160.007/31/2022INTEREST PAID $1.817/22/2022CHECK 1204 - T.R.A.-$96.807/7/2022SHECO ACH SAMHOUSTONELEC - JULY-$177.757/6/2022REGULAR DEPOSIT - July Fundraiser$641.006/30/2022INTEREST PAID$1.716/30/2022REGULAR DEPOSIT$287.506/30/2022INTEREST PAID$1.616/8/2022SHECO ACH SAMHOUSTONELEC - JUNE-$177.755/31/2022INTEREST PAID$1.770

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