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Writer's pictureTreasurer PSCC

Treasurer's Report for February 2023

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

Treasurer's Report for February 2023

Assets: Combined Checking and Savings Total: $31,929.84 and we have $40 in small bills for fundraiser startup costs and till seed money and $1,925 in undeposited funds for a grand total of $33,894.84

Accounts Payable: The only significant non reoccurring monthly expense was the annual renewal of the POBOX for which a check for $210 has been written but has not cleared as of this report and the cost for stamps to mail out invoices.

Reimbursements: There have been no reimbursements.

Lot Dues: Collection of lot dues 2023:

  • To date, we have collected $10,365.00

  • 94 Accounts have paid on time

  • 18 remain outstanding

  • 4 accounts carried over in arrears from the 2022 collection cycle.

  • Late notices are scheduled to go out on 01MAR2023

Fundraiser: There have been no formal fundraisers this quarter.

Bank Transactions since the previous report as follows:

Treasurer's Comments:

First State Bank Livingston is not offering a competitive interest rate in this economic climate. They are currently paying 0.4% on both the savings and checking versus other institutions paying on average 3.5% on qualified savings accounts. The difference per month is roughly $8 on $27k versus $78 on $27k. Treasurer will recommend investigating why FSB is not rewarding PSCC with an industry commensurate rate or changing financial institutions.

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